
Box set of Tutorials volume 10 (2024)

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Box set of Tutorials volume 10 (2024)

4 ratings

Last updated December 12 2024

INCLUDES - All Photoshop brushes (CSP and Procreate compatible)




VID - Make a 2024 Art Career Plan!

VID - How long does it take to become Art Director?

VID - How to lay out a comic book page CORRECTLY! Pro Comic Artist Secrets

VID - Git GUD at art. FAST! Beginner to pro in 1 year

VID - Game Industry LAYOFFS. Is this the end?

VID - The art of the character REDESIGN

VID - The hard truth about life as an artist - Unlimited creative power

VID - Working with other creatives + team building

VID- Draw Luffy in 15 minutes.

VID- Lesson 31 Anatomy of the Back of the hand and fingers 11 min

VID- Lesson 32 sketching fists and inside of the hand 15 min

VID- Lesson 33 more dynamic hand poses and fixing mistakes 12 min

VID- Lesson 34 Sketching Foot construction 8 min

VID- Lesson 35 Sketching Dynamic Feet 13 min

VID - Lesson 36 Drawing Luffy front facing - construction of head and proportions (19 min)

VID -Lesson 37 Drawing Luffy Eager Excitement expression (29 min)

VID -Lesson 38 Drawing Luffy 3/4 view Yelling + detail (35 min)

VID -Lesson 39 Drawing Luffy extreme distortion/screaming (18 min)

VID -Lesson 40 Drawing Luffy THE TEST! No reference! (9 min)

VID -BONUS - WATERCOLOR MANGA painting tutorial

VID - Ganbare HARD into WEALTH AND FAME (with art)

VID - One Piece made me fall in love with Comics again. - Drawing Twilight Monk on paper

VID - Painting NPC portraits for the Twilight Monk game - process and behind the scenes dev vlog

VID - Can 1 person create art for an entire Metroidvania

VID- Artist under pressure. How to stay creative with looming deadlines.

VID- painting NPC portraits real time 2 hours

VID - Most criticism is pointless and demotivating.


VID - Drunk Thug Portrait 1 hour real time painting

VID - Painting the teleport tree for the Twilight Monk game 1.5 hours Real-time

VID - Red dress lady NPC portrait 35 min real time

VID - Why I left Blizzard and Riot

VID - Raz Rides Hatchi Reworked Raz Marketing art for Japan (1.5 hours) Realtime

VID - is the ART INDUSTRY DEAD? Longer, uncut version.

VID - Twilight Monk Raziel On a Rock promotional art 2024 with chibi version 2 hour video realtime

VID - The ONLY art career advice that you need.

VID - Ketchoope and Moostarde portraits real time 1.5 hours Realtime

VID - Bashaar robed elder NPC 1 hour Realtime

VID - Get more art jobs. Marketing for artists in a flooded industry (Extended + uncut)

VID - I gave Hideo Kojima a piggy back ride.

VID - Art channel update (uncut)

VID - IT USED to be EASIER to be an artist?

VID - Your BREAKING POINT. How to recover from overwork.

VID - Raz jumps with Pillar Real Time 1 hour

VID - Painting the Overworld Map Real time 3 hours

VID - 10 BIG MISTAKES that will ruin your art career.

VID - Why we switched to Unreal Engine from Game Maker studio for the Twilight Monk game.

VID - Twilight Monk game overworld features and release date

VID - How I created the FACTION CRESTS for LEAGUE OF LEGENDS ( 1 hour)

VID - Formula for burnout and how to come back LEVELED UP instead of defeated.

VID - Painting Beautiful ladies - NPC portraits for Twilight Monk 1.5 hour real time.

VID - What skills do you need in order to make indie games?

VID - Learning Piano the way I learned how to draw

VID - New favorite drawing tablet!

VID - Animating a breakable JAR for indie game development

VID - How to get promoted and when to change bosses in the game industry.

VID - Ex Blizzard artist exposes SECRET ART TRICKS

VID -Painting techniques for Twilight Monk Achievement Icons Real Time 1 hour

VID - Finding your art style techniques - TWilight Monk anime style!

VID - Duke Skarfunkle NPC portrait 1 hour real time

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